~mun meme~

I didn’t get tagged by anyone really. I saw a few friends and the bae doing this meme and I wanted to fit in with the cool kids.

Please repost, don’t reblog

GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5′3″ft
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff :’)
FAVORITE COLOR: Indian red or a royal purple
FICTIONAL CHARACTER I’D LIKE AS A SIBLING: Arcade Gannon from Fallout NV, he’s basically like a sarcastic older sibling who tries to keep Six out of trouble.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: Five (I’m smol and cold)
DREAM VACATION: Same as my girlfriend, Japan or Norway. Though I also like to go to Australia to hug them rl.
WHAT I’M CURRENTLY WEARING: Black pants, long shirt, beenie and my Totro sweatshirt

DO YOU GET ASKS ON A REGULAR BASIS: On this blog, I either get flooded or nothing happens for weeks. There’s never a middle.
AESTHETIC: Coffee chill vibe
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius 
LAST THING GOOGLED: Dancing dog song
FAVORITE MUSIC ARTISTS: Ffffffffff- A lot guys. 

DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: ouo…. next question.
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL: Kinda self explanatory but yeah this is an ask blog
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5000 or something idk
FAVORITE CHARACTER(S): *inhale* O h god. Medic,Sniper,Tracer,Mercy,Lucio,Joseph from TEW, Garrus Vakarian, Wrex, Grunt, and many more I can’t think of in one sitting.

DREAM JOB: Game dev

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