
Patches was very small to the dragon, but Dark wasn’t kidding about being able to smell him.

The beast moved around the cave slowly, trying to sniff out the intruder he knew was around somewhere. He’d heard the soft clink of coins from him running as well.

“You can’t hide from me… No one can.” Patches was probably keenly aware of the dragon’s head passing right over his hiding place.

The hyperventilating only got worse and much more loud before he had to forcibly shove his hands on his mouth to quiet down as he felt the dragon loom over the goblet.  Tears were falling down his face and his body either had to go into flight or fight mode..

and like a real hero-

he chose flight. 

Patches bolted from the goblet with a clunk and tried to make a mad dash to the entrance of the cave while screaming for his life. 

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