Do you have any cute pjs? ;)




Pyro: “Hey, everyone, get in your jammies and get your asses over here!!”

[draw your OCs in pjs y’all :y]

Patches is going to bring the snack(s)!!!

Don’t mind his nervousness- he’s never been to these so called “slumber parties” before.


There was a clinking sound when Patches tripped which wasn’t much but he managed to knock a coin loose which bounced down the pile and hit a plate with a clang.

The snoring stopped. Everything was quiet for a painstakingly long moment before the mountain of scales began to shift. The beast’s head lifted, piercing red eyes looking around in the cave, though he didn’t spot Patches. The ground shook as he got to his feet.

“Has a little intruder found their way into my cave? I know you’re here, I can smell your fear…”

Oh he messed up. 

Pretty terribly. 

The price gasped for air silently as he tried to run through the moving pile of coins- going into a full on sprint as he heard the dragon spoke menacingly. He was afraid out of his mind of course and needed to get out of there asap. 

In a split second decision he hopped right into a golden goblet to try to hide from the creature, hyperventilating. 



Right so I have commissions if anyone wants to throw their money away- I haven’t done this in a while due to paypal being an absolute pain in the ass with restricting my account but I kinda need money to buy equipment for my major so I’m opening these up. I’ll be accepting money through my kofi

“But Archie that’s a terrible idea-you need to use invoices!!” 
I know- I know and I used to for commissions but paypal is being very sketchy with my account right now and I’m worried if I continue to use it at the moment it could lead to a whole bunch of problems. 

I have about 5 slots open right now because life so uh- yeah.You can contact me via tumblr message or discord which is Archie #7273

Hey uh- 

I’m in a bit of a financial pickle right now due to my payday being moved two weeks forward and I really-really need money. 

I’ll be opening my paypal as well so there’s an option there just dm me.

From my main pls I’m nearly broke


Patches had just made a grave mistake.

It looked like a normal cave at first, until he continued to make his way inside and found that there was… treasure in it? Now that didn’t seem so bad, pretty amazing actually, unless you stopped to think about how all this could be here and not be swept away by eager scavengers.

The answer came in the form of ebony black scales with a certain red and blue sheen to them when they caught light, curled around a pile of gold. That and the rumbling sound of an enormous creature’s snores.

The sight of the gold had widened his eyes as he gazed over the literal city of gold- from his perspective anyways. His curiosity grew a bit strong as he made his way through the cave wondering who was leaving all this gold around. Obviously Patches can’t pick up any of it- besides he’s already a prince… well used to be anyways. 

His curiosity got snapped in half though as he noticed a large..breathing? wall of scales that was on the horizon. He realized what it was from the temperature rising in the room and he gasped- trying to sneak away but managed to trip over a ring that was sticking out of the pile. 



There was a very large cave in the side of a mountain which tended to provoke curiosity from less wary explorers but those who knew better avoided it like the plague. Many a tale had been told that anyone who entered the cave never came back out.

There was a good reason for that. That cavern was the home of a fearsome dragon and its hoard, and said dragon wasn’t exactly known for its hospitality.

The beast was sleeping currently, but that could change very soon.

It’s been about three days- Three days of nonstop traveling from the royal castle. Though it hasn’t been quite the most quickest of travels as the young prince who was going on this expedition was quite short in stature.

Six inches short to be exact. 

Patches huffed as he nearly toppled over from exhaustion, making sure his crown didn’t fly off of his head. He then felt water drop on his head…he huffed in irritation mixed with exhaustion and really needed a place to stay to wait for the rain to pass. 

Luckily- there was a cave nearby that he strolled on into…thinking it was a normal cavern. 

What is this? It’s a friendship bracelet that’s woven threads! Each string is a different color and it even has a couple of miss sorted beads. Patches is sort of lifting it up offering it to Russel while hiding his face a bit. “H-happy birthday!”


Russell can’t help but smile at that. That’s so sweet. He gently kneels down.

“You made this for me?” he asks, “Thank you, Patches. That’s real kind of yas.” He’s completely sincere as he gently takes it and ties it around his wrist, “Look, it fits perfectly.” 

He seems happy with it. The smile stays on his face the whole time. 

“Do you want some rugelach? An old friend of mine sent some to me. It’s the least I can do for you.” 

Patches smile grew bigger when Russel seemed to really like his gift. His feet here stomping on the ground out of giddiness. 

“Ofcourse! You’ve been such a good friend and… well had to do something for your 25th!” Don’t ask how Patches knows that- he is after all always running amok in the walls. 

Patches tilted his head like a curious bird and blinked- “Oh really? Uh sure! You don’t owe me any favors though ha..”

This needs to be said.

As someone who’s been roleplaying,drawing asks and creating content on this site for a while now, I’ve seen some things I’ll never unsee, all sorts of drama in all sorts of fandoms. Heck I’ve made many mistakes in the past that I wish I could take back. However I’ve noticed over the years a disturbing trend and I’ve never knew how bad it could get until it happened to me. 

This has been said many times before but in this digital age content creators are closer more than ever to fans of their work. Heck ask blogs like mine have direct influence from the fans. Now before I go off with what I have been wanting to say these months I want to let you know the people who’ve helped this blog grow and have been genuinely fun to interact with have nothing to do with the type of people i’m about to describe. The respectable and wonderful people who enjoy the blog would get a big ol’ bear hug from me and I’m sorry I haven’t been updating as of late. 

Now there are the type of people who are obsessed with certain things. Nothing is wrong with loving something dearly and wanting to enjoy it as much as possible. That’s why this blog exists lol. 

However there’s a type of obsession that isn’t okay. It’s when you constantly message someone on a day to day basis, harass someone, shove your fetish on them, use their work in something that triggers them, and what I personally find most insulting: using that person to live your fantasy. 

I’ve experienced some of the above but I’ve seen it happen to my friends and people I follow. Heck an incident that happened with my friend triggered this post in the first place. Also this isn’t even happening to ~celebrities~; even if they deserve decent respect too, It’s happening to regular ol’ people who just post stuff in their free time. 

You think that this doesn’t need to be said but apparently it doesn’t get through some people’s thick heads. 

Pardon for the oncoming french but *ahem*


If you’re making them uncomfortable. Stop. 
If you’re harassing them. Stop. 
If you’re cussing them out because they won’t do what you tell them to. Stop.
If you’re sending your fetish to them begging them to partake. Stop.
If you’re stalking them. Stop.

Just. STOP.

You’re not entitled to anyone or their content. 
This is defiantly seen on roleplay and ask blogs. Not only will you hurt them by doing these things some of them even give up their pride and joy because you just wouldn’t stop heckling them for your own selfish pleasure. 

It’s gross and it shouldn’t be tolerated because damn it, we are people too. 

A large, round man with the most ridiculous mustache Patches has ever seen, quite rudely picks up the tiny medic by his back leg, leaving him suspended in the air by his foot. The man puts a finger to his chin and muses. “Hmmmm, quite interesting! I’ve never seen a human this size before! I wonder if it could power one of my Badniks!…” he muses, scratching his chin as his cranes away from Patches. ((wow, rude much? You didn’t even acknowledge he’s basically a human, buttnik.))

Patches screamed frantically when his leg was snatched up and lifted. His hair was all dangled around with his glasses knocked askew. He wiggled frantically not knowing who the heck this guy thought he was. 

“L-let me go I beg of you!!!”




What’s this? Derian has somehow been shrunk to half an inch tall! (Because you gotta be really small to be tiny to Patches).

Patches probably never normally had to be careful not to step on someone, but here we are with Derian having to scramble out of the borrower’s path.

He closed one eye as Patches pushed on his cheek. There was something incredibly awkward about this whole situation, like something unspoken was hanging over it.

If he had to guess, it was probably Patches’ hatred of him.

“Uh, sure…” That had to be the most threatening invitation to hang out, especially punctuated by that squeeze.

He glanced around the area he’d been brought to. “Is this where you live?” he asked, barely hiding the disbelief in his tone.

There was defiantly something off with Patches, It was like he was suddenly experiencing a whole new emotion. Though that wasn’t exactly accurate- he didn’t know anyone that he actually hated. 

Until now.

When he entered the wall there were only a few things scattered around like some blankets, small trinkets and even a sizable box of clothes. Patches’ eye twitched when Derian asked. 

“A-at the moment. I don’t have access to my tools right now but I think we can make do.” He was defiantly trying to sound threatening. 

He then sat down on one of the blankets.